Thursday, 27 September 2012

October Organisation!

Hello there!

I have to say that I have been truly inspired by Sprinkle of Glitter's '7 things for 7 days' blog posts and mini targets recently, and it has led me on to feeling like I want to be a part of this and set myself some little challenges and organizational projects throughout the next few weeks! Plus who doesn't like making a good list! 

Ive felt that over the past few weeks my life has been turned upside down a bit, due to things such and work and money (boo these things) so I think that its time to get it back on track and to start enjoying the little things in life again! 

7 Things For 7 Days

Eat More Fruit. Im very good and eating my vegetables because I love them so much, but I feel that I don't have enough fruit in my diet and this needs to change! It does make me feel so much better about myself when I choose to pick up a punnel of grapes rather than a bar of Dairy Milk (even though we all know which one is best) and then I don't get the guilty feeling afterwards! 

Exercise at least twice a week! I have been going mentally crazy at the gym this past month as I signed up to a 6 weeks cheap contract which has really motivated me to keep going everyday before work and I have noticed a massive difference in my body shape and more importantly my confidence! However these 6 weeks are coming to an end on Monday morning, so it is going to be my aim to try and keep going at least twice a week to keep myself feeling good! 

Read a book! Whilst I was in Scotland during July and August I managed to read 5 boos in 2 weeks and it felt AMAZING to be able to just loose myself in a good story again after so many years of not having time with Uni! I promised myself that I was going to keep reading when I came back but just haven't found the time! So Im going to find myself a good one in a charity shop and turn the tv off at night and just sit in my bed and get lost in a book again!

Date my boyfriend! I lost Matt to Thailand for 5 weeks over August and its been amazing having him back again but there just hasn't been time or the money for us to be able to do something nice together, and he now goes back to Uni again on Sunday. Therefore before he goes I am arranging a little night in together with treats, wine and a movie so that we can have out own little inexpensive date night whilst the house is free for us just to enjoy each others company in peace and quiet :) Im also going to arrange Skype dates for us whilst he's away to keep up my targets!

Relax and have me time! Ive been all over the shop recently and really down and teary about work and money issues and have just found myself being a massive stress head! Its time to just take a few moments to myself now and again and think about life and enjoy my own company without everyone else butting in! Im going to go out for a coffee or tea (and with my book) once a week on my own just to take a breather from the rest of the world!

Save up to £80 a week! I have had a serious lack of funds recently, and for no apparent reason at all as I don't seem to spend much money in general! But due to the fact that I get payed in cash weekly it means that I do have very little money going into my account each month and lots to come out of it for things such a petrol etc! Therefore I am going to make it my aim to try and put away at least £80 a week of my wages to try and get a little lump sum together for things such as holiday as christmas presents!

Organise myself and my life! There are a few things I need to organize in the next few weeks... I am going to sit down a write a plan for the new year (2013) and work out where I want to be at the end of it! I am also going to get organized early for Christmas this year too as I normally leave everything to the last minute and never have any money left for presents for people (see above) so am going to start getting little bits early, as in the next couple of weeks,eeee! And last I need to organize my own business! I need to work out how Im going to promote myself properly in order to make the most out of my work that I can! 


So there we go! A nice little October target list for me to complete! Lets get going!

Do you have any tips on how to organize your own life?


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